YEOTY 2024
Information on YEOTY 2024 is out now! Click the button below for more information about YEOTY 2024!
The 2024 Teacher CPD session to support mentoring students took place online on Thursday 9th November 2023. Recordings and resources can be found by clicking the link below.
The portal for submitting entries will open in mid February 2024. The deadline for submitting entries will be on 1st March 2024. The Awards Ceremony will take place on the 8th May 2024 in the University of Limerick.
About Oide Young Economist of the Year
YEOTY, as it has become affectionately known, is now in its tenth year and is developing into a significant national awards event for the enjoyment and promotion of economics. Commencing in 2013, the initiative has grown from strength to strength with an increasing number of participants and an improved level of quality each year. The national awards event rotates amongst the major third-level institutions in Ireland. The first YEOTY was hosted by the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting at Maynooth University in 2013.
Each year economics teachers across the country attend a professional learning day organised by Oide in association with members of the Irish Economics Association (IEA) to learn about the latest developments in economics in order to enhance their own knowledge and in turn that of their students. Teachers then work with students on inquiry-based projects to be submitted to the annual Young Economist of the Year competition organised by Oide. In inviting students to explore real life issues through their projects, it is an excellent medium to facilitate students in developing greater economic literacy and to understand how economics relates to their everyday lives and future. Researching economic issues in this way empowers students to develop knowledge and skills that can be applied to many areas of life and further study. Submissions to YEOTY have demonstrated a clear understanding that economics is about our choices and behaviours and how these impact on our individual lives, our country, global economies and on the planet we share. The purpose of the YEOTY awards is to showcase, acknowledge and celebrate the work of students and teachers in planning, preparing and sharing their projects.
The Oide Young Economist of the Year (YEOTY) national awards, is an initiative of Oide. Oide is the largest teacher support service in Ireland serving approximately 35,000 post-primary teachers of which approx. 1,500 are business and economics teachers. Oide is funded by the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education and Skills (DES). The DES fund the Oide Young Economist of the Year awards as part of the continuing professional development of teachers of business and economics. YEOTY partners include members of the Irish Economics Association (IEA) the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES), the Central Bank of Ireland, the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment and economics and education departments in all of the major third level institutions in Ireland. Each partner contributes to the continuing professional development of economics teachers, evaluates projects and sponsors prizes for the awards. YEOTY is a shining example of the high level of commitment from students and their teachers to the study of economics and the types of partnerships in education being encouraged and enabled by the Department of Education and Skills.
How to get involved in YEOTY
• Participating schools may hold their own internal competition and may choose a maximum of three projects per class to submit to YEOTY.
• The projects are submitted online in February/March through the portal on
• The shortlisted projects are invited to attend the YEOTY awards in a leading university, rotating around supporting universities annually).
• There are various awards for sections re sponsor interest groups – e.g. Central Bank award; IGEES award etc.